Thursday, November 09, 2006

Will Smear Make Competition Disappear?

I was asked by someone today how to counteract a competitor’s launching a similar product and if securing exposure about how the competitor is no good would be bad.

Of course that’s bad! Any time someone has put out a smear campaign and did so with smoke and mirrors, it has backfired.

I have always told my clients, and friends, to treat everyone as if they’re your grandmother. Meaning, do right by them. It’s ok to beat them, but don’t cheat – it will inevitably cause lack of sleep and disruption in your career advancement.

The best tactics are those that are tried and true – Like the 40/40/20 rule to be specific.

Response-oriented communications success depends 40 percent on audience targeting, 40 percent on the offer or proposition, and 20 percent on creative/newsworthy execution. What this really means is know your audience and your USP and focus your tactics on specific goals while making it all relative.

The next best practice is consistency. In the form of public relations or marketing, keep sending the same message - until you’re blue in the face. I have been told by some executives, ironically some communications experts, that I repeat myself too much, but they can surely regurgitate my point verbatim when asked. So you can imagine I take their criticism lightly.

If you follow these rules, then no smear campaign is needed – just time and a great team of communicators.

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